  issn = {2045-2322},
  journal = {Scientific Reports},
  doi = {10.1038/s41598-023-37929-w},
  month = jul,
  pages = {11402},
  volume = {13},
  year = {2023},
  title = {Time series causal relationships discovery through feature importance and ensemble models},
  author = {Castro, Manuel and Mendes J{\'u}nior, Pedro Ribeiro and Soriano-Vargas, Aurea and Werneck, Rafael de Oliveira and Gon{\c{c}}alves, Maiara and Lusquino Filho, Leopoldo and Moura, Renato and Zampieri, Marcelo and Linares, Oscar and Ferreira, Vitor and Ferreira, Alexandre and Dav{\'o}lio, Alessandra and Schiozer, Denis and Rocha, Anderson}